Board 1 After partners 1♥️ opening and RHO 2♦️ bid you have to decide just to bid 2♠️ or double for take out. For 2♠️ , Argine expects a 6- card ♠️ suit, even when we are a passed hand. Then the 5/1 fit threatens. With double, you lose your ♠️ Fit and often play in 5/2 ♥️ Fit. Bidding 2♠️ may end in a 5/1 fit. So I chose double. But with ♠️ 9 and 8, 2 ♠️ is probably more successful. After 2♠️ we end up in 4♠️ with nice breaks an easy 80% board. Board 2 With a 3-4-3-3 distribution and a lot of points, I am not using Stayman. This is not entirely uncritical as soon as the partner holds a 4♥️ and a doubleton in a side suit a ruff might allow an extra trick. Here east leads a ♠️ and 12 tricks are easy. Board 3 I rarely bid a 5-card suit on the 2 level. But with 15 handicap I don't want to pass. After the West made a forcing bid, I don't want to bid on the 3 level, despite good values. Passivity caused the opponent to overbid to 4♠️. Board 4 A routine 4♥️. The dummy doesn't look like we need to work on our tricks and passive defense holds the opponent on 10 tricks. A lot of luck (♣️Q doubloon onside and ♠️ 2/2 to reach dummy for a ♣️ play) had the high-spirited who pushed their way into 4♠️ on their own. Board 5 Who ducks the ♥️ Ace is punished by Argine. on the following small ♣️ lead Argine rises with the the king and takes 8 tricks. Not ducking the ♥️ ace results in 7 tricks when Argine plays low on the following ♣️ switch. Board 6 Open or pass?. My Argine settings allow 11 HCP openings. But here I only do it because we are not vulnerable. The hand is not that good and Argine is not shy about game bidding. Non vulnerable I might win in the board even if partner bids 1NT. When the strength of both pairs is evenly devided, it is often good to bid quickly 1NT. If we going down in 1NT it costs 50 while the opponent can score 90 making 1NT. Some also call this the 1 No Trump race. It was unsuccessful here. Board 7 How good is game when partner has a weak two? In principle, partner needs ace and king in ♠️ and a side ace. It's not very likely. If we want to invite, we should also ask ourselves the question: whether we are save for 9 tricks with a minimum weak two. I pass, I think game is seldom a good bet, and normally a preempt shouldn't have an side ace. Wrong again… ♠️ Finesse is on and defense did not put us to a test with a ♥️ lead. game in ♠️ is really bad, but with soft defense from Argine and all cards well placed 10 tricks are easy Board 8 Easy bidding, easy lead. After 3 around of ♠️ and 3 rounds of ♣️ Pd play a fourth ♠️. I did not overruff. hoping that pd har Kx in ♥️. With good breaks all around I think we can make 2♠️. Should I bid it?... Board 9 I passed over (1♣️) pass (1♠️). Non vulnerable I would have thought about bidding 1N (see 1NT race). With partner holding at most 2 HCP I hope the Argine miss guesses the red queen’s. Not a big hope with Argines playing strength. Board 10 Good defense from Partner to switch to ♦️ when in with the ♥️ K and playing a 3rd round of ♦️ to develop a trump trick. Resume:
Not a particularly good set for me. On board 1 I should have bid 2♠️ . I would probably make the other decisions again.